HI! My name is Maxim Fariga! I am 28 years old.
I code webpages (HTML5/CSS3) more than 3 years. I have finished and work there as a mentor more than 1 year on course HTML and CSS Basic.
For code writing I use code editor: Sublime Text, PHP Storm with the extension Emmet.
When I code images I prefer only css and html. Examples of my work you can find here.
As for me the most usefull code must be clean, valid, semantic and understandable. I always try to make any page width minimum numbers of http requests. Modern HTML5 and CSS3 give us possibility to create nice pages using less or without js, so why not?
Website of barbershop. Consists of 4 pages: main, shop, item and price (training layout)
Website of online shop which sells power tools. Consists of 2 pages: main and catalog (training layout)
Website of the company engaged in the development of sites, applications and presentations. Consists of 2 pages: main and catalog (training layout)
Website of the company engaged in the development of sites, designs, brand and rocket science. Consists of 1 pages (training layout)
Website of the tour company in the town of Sedona. Consists of 2 pages (training layout)
Portfolio website. Main and latest works sliders are fully functional and work only on css. Consists of 1 pages (training layout)
Main page of adaptive site. Consists of 1 pages. In mobile version menu change into burger-icon witch make only on HTML & CSS (training layout)
One page of shop which sells machines for construction, sweepers and other big equipment. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
One big pages of team which create amazing sites, apps & graphics. This pages is responsive. In mobile version you can see triangle menu. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
One page of team which can makes print design, motion video, package design, time management. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
One page of the best photographer John Doe. If you need amazing photo ask him. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
One page of team which can makes amazing aps. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
Landing page for russian television provider. Consists of 10 pages. (real page)
Landing page for internet shop of clothes and accessories. Consists of 1 pages. (training layout)
Landing page for internet shop of clothes and accessories. Consists of 2 pages. (Main, Private-policy) (real page)
Landing page for internet shop of clothes and accessories. Consists of 1 pages. (training page)